Nuestros productos

Green coffee

It is the product that is obtained after the removal of the parchment as a result of the threshing process. Green coffee is the basic input for making roasted and soluble coffee.

Green coffee

Roasted coffee

It is the product obtained by subjecting green coffee to heat treatments, which causes several physical changes and chemical reactions that develop the aroma and flavor of the drink.

Roasted coffee

Freeze dried coffee

Soluble coffee is the product that remains after the coffee extract has been removed from the water and is in the form of crystals, powder or dried granules. Due to its elaboration, instant coffee is mainly composed of ingredients that, upo

Freeze dried coffee

Logistic Solutions to measure


Jairo Díaz Cauca

Jairo Díaz Cauca

“The Extension Service is the soul and nerve of the work that coffee growers do on our farms, it is the permanent accompaniment and the guide we have to apply the latest technology.”